Organisation de Croissant Rouge du Tchad - N'Djamena

Organisation de Croissant Rouge du TchadOrganisation de Croissant Rouge du TchadOrganisation de Croissant Rouge du TchadOrganisation de Croissant Rouge du Tchad
  • Verified
Company name
Organisation de Croissant Rouge du Tchad
Am Riguebe Rue de 40 , N'Djamena, Chad
Contact number
Mobile phone
Working hours
  • Monday: Open 24 hours
  • Tuesday: Open 24 hours
  • Wednesday: Open 24 hours
  • Thursday: Open 24 hours
  • Friday: Open 24 hours
  • Saturday: Open 24 hours
  • Sunday: Open 24 hours
Contact Person [email protected]
Company manager Ibrahim Moussa Addiker Abdelaziz
Establishment year 2022
Employees 101-200
E-mail address
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Company description
Tasks and Scopes of Work The activities of the Chadian Red Crescent Organization cover six main scopes:
Relief and disaster response The Chadian Red Crescent Organization works in this field to provide human resources by means of volunteering and training, on one hand, and material sources on the other—primarily relief materials, means of transportation, communications, and warehouses. The Organization also aims to aid in natural disasters and emergency crises, such as recurrent floods, torrential rains, and any other potential crises. Members of the Organization are trained in First Aid and other emergency relief methods. The Organization also aims to assist those affected by disasters or crises by providing emergency humanitarian and social services, available inside and outside of  
Show more the capital N’Djamena, as well as psychological and social support. 2. Medical advancement The work of the Chadian Red Crescent Organization in this field aims to raise health awareness and encourage preventive activities through the media, bulletins, TV highlights, seminars, selection and training of various select groups, and the provision of free treatment services in medical centers and clinics, family planning centers, hospitals, and clinics affiliated with the Chadian Red Crescent Organization and its subsidiaries, as well as establishing centers equipped with means and mechanisms for training in first aid, and providing clinics and special care for cases in need of frequent blood transfusions, while also providing blood services and encouraging donations. 3. Social development
In this regard, the Chadian Red Crescent Organization covers three main topics: (1) rural development through the advancement of the poorest villages in cooperation with the Ministry of Water Resources and Irrigation and with funding which will be provided in successive stages, (2) housing development, and (3) urban development by providing aid to those who have lost their homes. 4. Capacity development of the Chadian Red Crescent Organization This field is concerned with enhancing the financial capabilities of the Chadian Red Crescent Organization, developing its regulations, systems and methods of performance, coordinating with the Chadian Red Crescent branches in all of the 23 regions of Chad, and attracting, training, and retaining volunteers. 5. Close cooperation with organizations The Chadian Red Crescent Organization works to establish strong links and close relations with the international community through its cooperation and partnership with components of the International Red Cross and Red Crescent Movement, United Nations organizations and bodies, and foreign governmental and non-governmental organizations that donate to or otherwise support humanitarian services. The Organization also contributes to international efforts to respect the emblem and not to misuse it. The Chadian Red Crescent Organization organizes intensive training courses in Arabic and French on basic first aid. These courses target all segments of the population: school and university students, young men and women of sports clubs, housewives, employees and workers in companies, factories and banks, etc. The duration of the courses ranges from four to six consecutive days, including theoretical and practical training, and the most im
trained are: Initial scan, heart attack, sudden airway obstruction, cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR), drowning, cuts, bleeding, burns, fractures, abdominal, chest and eye injuries, shock, fainting and coma, convulsions, poisoning, diarrhea, bites, stings and wounds, exposure to heat or extreme cold, classification of injuries in case of major accidents, injuries, and contraception. The Chadian Red Crescent Organization will open six training centers spread throughout the Republic of Chad and will work to provide courses for several bodies, including the government sector, civil society organizations, and regional organizations. 6. Mobile phone maintenance professional training through the Social Solidarity Project The Chadian Red Crescent Organization provides mobile phone maintenance training courses as part of the vocational training activities provided by the Solidarity Project with the aim of helping individuals increase their income and start their own businesses. The training includes identifying the tools used in maintenance and ways of dealing with them, studying phone malfunctions and how to maintain them, developing software for various devices, and then submitting a training completion certificate from the training provider. To apply for vocational training, you can register through the form or by calling: For more information, you can contact the Chadian Red Crescent First Aid Training Departmen
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